Enneagram Facilitation

The Enneagram is an ancient and modern way of understanding how we are in the world. It is not a static personality inventory but rather is a dynamic tool for self-understanding and growth. It helps us identify one of nine styles that most significantly serves as motivation for our actions. Beyond this understanding we will work together on personal growth path and how this affects relationship and teams.

Certified Enneagram Spectrum Trainer


1 on 1 Sessions

Together, we can work to discover your type. We will also explore many aspects of your type - the resourceful and non-resourceful sides of you, how adjacent types can color your personality, what tools you can access when you are in stress or security, your center of intelligence, and stances toward others. We will work on paths of growth as well as how this affects your relationships with others.

Team Training

How teams function significantly affect people’s experience in the workplace. We will work together to determine your particular needs and goals. Typically, we will explore self-knowledge, understanding others, and dynamics of different personality types working together. We will look at strengths, potential difficulties, and how to be a more productive and enjoyable team.

Small Groups

Small groups focused on enneagram understanding and development can be very significant for your life and relationships and will benefit from having a trained facilitator. We will work together on your goals, structure, and content. Each gathering will include enneagram teaching, participant sharing, practical application of the material, as well as fun activities and probably some homework.


There is a wealth of enneagram understanding that we can explore together. Depending on the audience and your goals, we will choose a curriculum that addresses your desired outcomes and the length and number of sessions necessary. Content could include discovering your number, adjacent wings, stress and security arrows, intelligence centers, stances, subtypes, and pathways for growth.


"Rich Henderson is an excellent facilitator and teacher of the Enneagram. He listens and provides good feedback, including everyone. As a group of creative people with a variety of ways to approach both challenges and opportunities, it is enormously helpful to understand each other better than before. I look forward to ongoing work with Type 3 Consulting. It has already provided tremendous value to all of us at The Creative Company both personally and professionally."

— Laura Gallagher, President, The Creative Company