Church Mission Engagement

Healthy missional engagement takes careful and proactive work.

Strong and wise missional involvement is a great calling, opportunity, and responsibility of any faith community. Let’s work to strengthen those efforts.

  • Will you or a team be going on a cross cultural trip? Do you have the tools you need to cross cultural boundaries in a healthy way? We can assess your situation and develop a plan for an overview or a number of sessions that will help in this venture. We will work through a set of resources that will help you successfully navigate the unique challenges and opportunities of cross cultures. 

  • Many primarily white churches are wrestling with how to live out their concerns for racial justice. Numerous people have read the books and are searching for what to do next. We will work to develop meaningful and well-rounded plans for racial justice engagement - encompassing prayer, education, relationships, and meaningful actions (all from the posture of listening to people of color for our guidance). We will consider influencing top-down structural change as well as bottom-up individual and church wide steps.

  • In my experience, most churches are reactive or scattered in their approach to missional involvement. We can work together to help church outreach teams align and focus church missional priorities, leveraging the impact of the value resources of time and money. This process will involve looking at church values, current and aspirational commitments, as well as healthy missiological practices.