A sabbatical is a special gift and opportunity.

Let’s work together to make the most of it!

We can help maximize your experience and leverage the things that you learn along the way.

When you’ve been in ministry or in the workplace for a while, as I have, sabbatical is a weird and confusing time… we are often used to charging ahead at full speed and then sabbatical comes and it can be disorienting to slow town or take an extended time for reflection and introspection. Rich’s wisdom, experience, and ability to listen empathically has been a wonderful resource and a blessing to me as I’ve navigated sabbatical and major life transitions. We all need different types of Guides at certain points in our lives. Investing in a Guide as you traverse the uncharted path of sabbatical is well worth it.. or at least it was for me. - Mary

  • Not all businesses have the foresight to offer their staff the important opportunity of taking a sabbatical. Thankfully, yours does. We will work to create a win-win scenario - serving both you and the organization. We offer a number of resources and will host regular meetings together during the full process - from the early planning through your reentry back into the workplace.

  • Faith communities may offer sabbaticals to some of their staff but are often at a loss for how to make this a productive time away. We will meet regularly to develop a plan, during your sabbatical time away, and when you return to work. We will include elements of sustaining the organization while you are away and including others in your work and relational spheres.