
  • I have known Rich as a supervisor, colleague, mentor, and now friend for 25 years. I have come to hold unwavering trust for the wise perspective, empowering counsel, and challenging inspiration he consistently provides to organizations and individuals. If you are looking for someone to help you enter into a new season of fruitfulness, you will not find a better individual to guide you.

    Keith T. Hirata | Teaching Pastor, Union Church of Los Angeles & Hospice Chaplain

  • Rich mentored me through a difficult season of leadership. I was a new director at a large college ministry, I needed personal growth and a crash course in senior leadership to step up to the challenge. Rich brought an empathetic ear, and this way of always drawing out God’s invitation to me in each moment. He was my personal guide through a very difficult season, catalyzing growth and resilience when many of my peer leaders didn’t survive. I can only thank God for his role in that season, and the ways it prepared me for the demands of senior leadership.

    Paul Kulp | Vice President, Technology Intervarsity Christian Fellowship/USA

  • Rich has been an excellent friend, colleague, mentor, and role model. I have always been fascinated by his organizational skills, his great vision, his ability to anticipate and analyze situations, and his problem-solving skills. On top of that, he is a great human being, compassionate and caring.

    Jean-René Watchou | Director of International Outreach, Christ Presbyterian Church

  • Whether Rich is facilitating a team or coaching an individual his caring and personable guidance shines through. I've had the joy of working alongside Rich - he is one of the most empowering leaders I have ever served with. He blends his deep concern for people with his skilled leadership to get effective results.

    Sue Cotten | Nonprofit Executive, Fund Development Professional, President Cedar Associates, LLC

  • Rich shepherded me and our team in a process to discern where God was stirring in our congregation and to focus our efforts there. He collaborated with us to create a model for our outreach work that fit our community’s strengths and passions. We then concentrated our resources on tangibly benefiting people locally and abroad. Rich listens, guides, and facilitates the operationalization of vision into concrete and sustainable action - all while connecting with his clients in a loving, authentic way.

    Clinton Otte-Ford, Ph.D. | Fmr. Chair Christian Witness Commission at Christ Presbyterian Church, Madison, WI

  • I can honestly say you will not find a better person to be your coach, mentor, and friend than Rich Henderson. From navigating the church ministry world to Enneagram knowledge to leadership skills to life coaching and everywhere in between, Rich has consistently provided sound, God-centered advice and friendship. He has a very humble but confident way about him that puts you at ease while gently pushing you to press ahead for your goals. I am a better leader, minister, and person for knowing him and could not be more grateful for his wisdom and presence in my life.

    Carter Baldwin | Director of Family Ministries, Christ Presbyterian Church